Thursday, May 31, 2012

Maryland FUN

So, Campbell and I are in Maryland for the summer. Campbell is selling through Vantage for Terminix. He works really hard and has been blessed for his efforts.It is so fun to be in a new place and meeting new people! We have met so many fun people! Campbell loves the guys he works with. He always comes home and tells me how funny they are. I am enjoying hanging out with all of their wives! All of the different personalities make up such a fun group to be around! It reminds me of when I went to BYUI. I loved living in the same apartment complex with all of my friends and being able to just walk over anytime we felt like hanging out. Tomorrow a couple of us girls are going into D.C. to sight-see! I haven't gone too far into D.C. yet because the traffic is just awful....and it seems even worse to me because I hate driving. No body wanted to drive in D.C. so we decided to take the metro. I know we are going to have a GREAT day! Oh, another bit of news. I have been interested in trying out the whole selling thing like Campbell is doing. On Saturday we had a big BBQ/Pool party. There are a couple of girls who aren't married yet that came out this summer just to sell. I finally got to meet them and they are taking me out to sell with them Monday and Tuesday to see how I would feel about it! They have done really well with their sales of them even won a macbook. The manager said it was fine so I am excited to see the "bug girls" in action. I know they will teach me some good things and they are so fun and energetic too! It will be great to hang out with them all day.

This was from Memorial day. The boys (and the few girls) made enough sales for the whole office to go out to the cheesecake factory. SO GOOD! If only I could make food like that...We'd all be fat!

This is just a fun picture our friend Chong took of Campbell on our wedding day. Sealed for Eternity! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love you guys! I am so glad that you and campbell came up to MD for the summer. I told andrew that for now on, whenever we go to visit his parents in Columbia, we have to go visit you guys too! Oh! By the way, thanks for being awesome and helping me out whenever andrew takes our car! it has really meant a lot to both of us!
