Thursday, May 31, 2012

Maryland FUN

So, Campbell and I are in Maryland for the summer. Campbell is selling through Vantage for Terminix. He works really hard and has been blessed for his efforts.It is so fun to be in a new place and meeting new people! We have met so many fun people! Campbell loves the guys he works with. He always comes home and tells me how funny they are. I am enjoying hanging out with all of their wives! All of the different personalities make up such a fun group to be around! It reminds me of when I went to BYUI. I loved living in the same apartment complex with all of my friends and being able to just walk over anytime we felt like hanging out. Tomorrow a couple of us girls are going into D.C. to sight-see! I haven't gone too far into D.C. yet because the traffic is just awful....and it seems even worse to me because I hate driving. No body wanted to drive in D.C. so we decided to take the metro. I know we are going to have a GREAT day! Oh, another bit of news. I have been interested in trying out the whole selling thing like Campbell is doing. On Saturday we had a big BBQ/Pool party. There are a couple of girls who aren't married yet that came out this summer just to sell. I finally got to meet them and they are taking me out to sell with them Monday and Tuesday to see how I would feel about it! They have done really well with their sales of them even won a macbook. The manager said it was fine so I am excited to see the "bug girls" in action. I know they will teach me some good things and they are so fun and energetic too! It will be great to hang out with them all day.

This was from Memorial day. The boys (and the few girls) made enough sales for the whole office to go out to the cheesecake factory. SO GOOD! If only I could make food like that...We'd all be fat!

This is just a fun picture our friend Chong took of Campbell on our wedding day. Sealed for Eternity! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Joy from Truth

So, If blogs are about conveying your feelings and passions I have to post a little bit about something that has brought pure joy and true happiness to my life. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I believe fully in Jesus Christ. Although I can not fully comprehend the vastness of the atonement or even how exactly it works, I have come to know that through it, I can be made pure and clean. It is through this sacrifice made by Jesus Christ that I will have the opportunity to be reunited with every person I have ever loved. I believe this world is beautiful. I find myself having a true and pure love for those I meet. I find so much joy through this love that I feel for others around me. As I strive to live a more perfect life (I have quite the ways to go!) I feel the approval of my father in heaven which seems to be the key to all feelings of delight. I want to tell every sorrowful person that I have found the key to true and everlasting happiness! I want them to feel the same unconquerable joy that I have found! It is the gospel of Jesus Christ! Although trials of great strength come into our lives there is always a bright beam of light that will never, ever fade. Recently Campbell and I were sealed together in the Columbia, SC temple. There we made special promises to each other and to our father in heaven. We believe the children we have will be our children forever. We believe families are eternal!....I love this principle....unbreakable bonds to those we hold most dear and precious! I have a yet developing knowledge of eternal truth. I know the principles that I study true principles. The same principles that Jesus Christ taught while he was here on earth. I feel soft but precious promptings guiding me to these things of eternal worth. I would love to share it with anyone who might have questions. Also, here is a great website that explains a little bit more about the teachings of the church that I belong to: 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's Happening

Hello friends!

Yes, I am actually starting a blog. I had one a long time ago. I made two or three posts but then never thought about it again. A couple of my friends along with my sweet mama wanted me to try this out again. I know it is a good way to remember funny stories and keep some friends a little more up to here is to having an online journal! I have seen people make books at the end of the year of all their blog posts. I think that is a cool Idea! So, where do I start...if you are reading this then you know Campbell and I. We just recently got marred. Only 13 days ago actually. We have already made some FUN memories! For our honeymoon we took a cruise to the Bahamas! It was Beautiful and totally the ULTIMATE vacation. No cooking, no laundry and no cleaning! There was unlimited food and entertainment. I am already wanting to take another cruise. Now we are up in D.C. while Campbell works his tail off as a pest control sales man. We will be here until August. I am so thankful for his strong work ethic and his positive attitude. He works 6 days a week and long hours. He leaves around 12 in the afternoon and doesn't get back until 11. The honeymoon is definitely over now.I am probably going to start working soon too. The break from a job has been nice but I will go nutty with Campbell gone all of the time. I need more interaction than this! Anyway, here are some pictures of the last few weeks!
 Okay, of my favorite places in the whole world. This was on an island in the Bahamas called Cococay. We found this sweet little hammock there and took a nice nap by the beach. It just can't get better than that.

This was on the formal night of the cruise. We got to dress up and go eat a fancy dinner! They had these dinners every night but this night was even more special because they sang us the "happy honeymoon" song and gave us the most delicious strawberry cheesecake I have EVER tasted in my life. SO good.

We were walking around Nassau and decided to sit on a big cement slab to look at the GORGEOUS water....then my only flip flop fell off and just floated away. haha. not sure how to turn this picture right side up so I guess you will just have to turn your head :)

Campbell lookin' all study in the caribbean ;)

This was the coolest little place in Nassau. It was right in the middle of the crazy downtown area with all of  the markets and crazy, busy people. It was a really old church with beautiful stained glass windows. We loved sitting in here for a few minuites.....just thinking.

What the Monkey? This little guy was so cool! I am going to learn how to make him!

Headed up North for the summer! All of our stuff fit!

Check out the hottie with the zebra print seats

The only reason I put this picture up is PROOF to anyone that knows me well that I am learning how to cook. I hate cooking but look at me being a domestic diva! haha I secretly am loving being in the kitchen!

This is my sweet little bug boy right before work this morning.

Oh, and I can't forget. Dancing on the beach!? YES!!!!!!!!