Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Campbell!!!

This past week has been great! Thursday (the 14th) was Campbell's birthday!!! He had to work all day but he still had a great birthday! I made him a big, chocolate cake and bought him a few presents. He got a watch (which he picked out so no surprise when he opened it), a football (which he saw the day before his birthday so surprise), some fancy pens (he wanted those for work), and a chess set (which he guessed when he shook the box and my face gave it away so surprise, haha) It was so fun to have our first little celebration!.....with many more to come! Oh, and we had LOTS of junk food too. We went to the store and  bought two tubs of ice cream and a couple boxes of cookies. We were definitely fatties! Saturday we had another BBQ. It is so fun to be with everybody! This is such a great group of people. I will be sad to leave them! Sunday we went to the D.C. temple visitors center to listen to Alex Boye. He is a wonderful singer from England. Campbell served his mission in England so he was even more excited to see him. We actually didn't get tickets inside the theatere like we had planned but they streamed it to another room where we watched it. It kept cutting in and out so that was a bit of a bummer but the parts we actually saw were really good! After that, we had a movie night with some great friends (derek and libby). These guys have the ultimate movie collection! It is so sweet! Here are a few pictures from this week:

Susan and Jenn with their sweet babies (and babies in their bellies too) These guys are great moms! I love being around them and seeing them with their kids! It is so sweet to see the deep love they show to their kids everyday.   

Choppin' up some onions.... He would eat plain onions all day if I'd let him

This is a new recipe. is so good. I can't say whats in it or you'd  never try it. We will  just have to make it for  you ;)


P.s. Zach was ROCKING the selling this week  by getting 4-6 sales a day. That's about what the third or fourth year reps make. Go Zach!!

Campbell catching our sink on fire

The new watch....that's Waterproof!

The cake

I wrapped his presents in grocery bags.....i just can't bring myself to buy wrapping paper when I know it is just going in the trash anyway. hahah.....I know, that's super cheap of me but hey, We are on a college budget. haha

so.....I didn't buy candles either. haha but this one worked fine!!!

hahah Campbell is so fun to be around! I am so lucky to be his wife! 

See how much sugar we had!

 A football! 

Ending the birthday party with a sleepover in the living room! haha....actually we had a really bad water leak in the bedroom so we have been having sleepovers until its all fixed up! It has been  fun, we fall asleep to movies on the laptop. I have gotten Campbell interested in the office! I never thought he'd like that show but he has been loving it! 

This was at the BBQ. These two boys gave the neighborhood a little show with their crazy wrestling skills. haha it was cute because a little audience of young boys were up on the hill watching them.

Football with the little guy!

there were no more buns left so he was using pretzels instead.

Having diving competitions. 

Jenn's husband, Morgan is the master of games. He seems to always know a fun game to play.  He is such a fun guy. This is the guys playing a game called SHARK. None of the girls were brave enough to play. 

And this game is callled NINJA!

Campbell was teaching Zach a game we made  up. It is super's basically soccer modified  to be played in a little living room. haha.....still haven't figured out how to flip the image. haha sorry 

Anyway, We are all doing great here in MD. I am so thankful to be married to Campbell. The transition between single life to married life has actually been really smooth. I guess we are lucky to both be laid back because not many things bother us. We have only been married for 46 days but it has been so wonderful being his wife. Campbell is such a happy-go-lucky, positive guy. Nothing seems to bring him down. He can always find the positive side of things..... and he is ALWAYS happy...which makes me always happy. He is so funny too. I just love being with him. He also has this goodness about him. That is one of my favorite things about him. He loves helping people and making their day a little better. We are becoming better people through one another's influence. I am discovering that when married, we can make up for each others slack. If I'm not doing so good in one area, Campbell picks me up and helps me to do better and I try to do the same for him. It is so great having a partner in life! haha. My love for him is constantly growing deeper. I am eternally grateful for him and that we are married! Forever!!


  1. I loved his birthday celebration! That's going to be such a great memory to tell your kids about one day! I love you guys so much! Too bad Andrew and I were having out date night the same day as the pool looks like we left right before the real fun started. Oh well :/ we had a fun time just hanging out together. By the way, that indoor golf place wasn't that great! We'll have to find other stuff that we can do on a double date!

  2.! i sure love you two and can't wait for you to make me 'supper surprise'! how fun that you have jenn and morgan there!! i just love her and YOU too!!!
